Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Does Hoodia Work

Well yes it does, but only if you buy the right kind of Hoodia, known as Hoodi gordonii and that isn't always as easy as you might think. The trouble is that many fly by night manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon and are producing discount price Hoodia products.

Hoodia Patch

They can sell them cheaply because they are made from cheap ingredients and fillers. And they presume people will not have done their research and think that all Hoodia is the same. In their research Alkemist Pharmaceuticals found that over 80% of Hoodia Gordonii capsules are not pure.

Hoodia's effectiveness is dependent on the type of Hoodia used, which part of the plant is used and its purity. It has to be the aerial stem of the Hoodia Gordonii plant that's used, as it contains the active molecule p57.

Hoodia can help eliminate your appetite and lead to successful weight loss

If you have the right quality Hoodia gordonii then it's incredibly effective at controlling your appetite. And when you can control your appetite you can control your weight. The problem with many diets is that they have you eating things you wouldn't normally eat and leave you hungry. When you are constantly hungry, it's highly unlikely that your diet will be successful in the long term. Who wants to feel like they are starving themselves?

With Hoodia on the other hand, you don't have to worry about going hungry. It controls your hunger so you'll eat less naturally.

Hoodia Gordonii

Leslie Stahl the correspondent from 60 Minutes took her camera crew to Africa to film a story on hoodia. They had a local Bushman lead them into the desert to find some hoodia and Stahl ate it. She reported that she lost the desire to eat or drink for the whole day, and also said she didn't feel any side effects, like indigestion or heart palpitations.

After trying Hoodia for himself, Tom Mangold the BBC Correspondent, reporting from the Kalahari said . . . "we did not even think about food. Our brains really were telling us we were full. It was a magnificent deception."

To ensure the Hoodia you buy does actually work as it should, you need to make sure the supplier buys fresh. Most companies order Hoodia from resellers so by the time the Hoodia powder reaches them, it has changed hands several times and has sat in a warehouse for months.

The manufacturer of Hoodia Patch and Unique Hoodia for instance, order huge quantities of Hoodia, straight from a South African exporter who works directly with the growers and they document the date and location of harvest, which is very important. By the time you receive your Hoodia product it will most likely have been out of soil just over a month.

So does hoodia work? Yes, Hoodia works, but only when you buy 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii that meets the criteria set out here. To ensure that's exactly what you are getting go to Hoodia Patch for the real deal.

Related Posts :
What is the Hoodia Gordonii Plant : 07.09.2010
Hoodia Patch : 15.08.2010
Hoodia Weight Loss Patch : 30.07.2010